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What is Peace for Earth

Start a movement!

“A place where SDGs first-year students are born”

“Young people introduce SDGs” in public places.

I want to give as many young people as possible an opportunity to think about climate issues, and tell them that a sparkling world awaits them beyond the resolution of these issues.

Sdgs1th grade to make sdgs1th grade!


ホーム: ようこそ!

Peace for Earth History

Getting people who don't know about SDGs to be interested in them


​ Peace for Earth 2020 Kawasaki

3/2-8 @ JR Kawasaki Station East Exit Square

don't gather people

"Get noticed" by passers-by

Implement new event style

More than 200,000 people in one week

PR for the climate crisis and SDGs

スクリーンショット 2021-06-04 11.52.18.png

Peace for Earth 2020 Shibuya

11/18-29 @ Shibuya Station Hachiko Square

change the sense of scale

Shibuya's first ever! Use Shibuya Hachiko-mae

A poster exhibition will be held at the scramble crossing where 2 million people come and go in a week

change the image

Communicating the image of efforts to address the climate crisis/SDGs as fashionable and cool

ホーム: 活動内容

Peace for Earth Activity Report
From Peace for Earth Youth

Tropical Leaves

message of support

スクリーンショット 2021-06-17 18.14.58.png


ホーム: 引用句


Peace for Earth 2021 Shibuya was introduced in Senken Shimbun

June 16, 2021

issued a press release

June 5, 2021

website opened

June 4, 2021

ホーム: ニュース

Contact Peace for Earth

Send completed.

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Peace for Earth 2021 Shibuya Overview

Name: SDGs experience area “Peace for Earth” 2021
Purpose: To raise awareness of the climate crisis and circular economy among young people, and to improve engagement (consumers, companies)
Period: 3 days from November 26th (Friday) to 28th (Sunday), 2021 Location: Shibuya MODI 1F pop-up store, MODI Big Vision, award site 
Sponsored by: NPO Forever Green Operated by: Peace for Earth Executive Committee

​ Contact:

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©2021 NPO Forever Green with Peace for earth ~Peace for earth~

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